Diversity and educational change among immigrant families from the perspective of parents and experts (DIWAN)
DIWAN is a joint project carried out by the University of Hamburg and the Munich-based German Youth Institute (Deutsches Jugendinstitut). It investigates changes in educational styles and models from different perspectives.
Specifically, we examine how educational styles in immigrant families have developed from the 1980s to the present day: may an increasing heterogeneity of educational styles in society be considered a result of immigration? How is this even perceptible?
Furthermore, we look at how actual styles have developed when compared with the recommended models. We therefore undertake an examination of the models addressed to parents in educational guides from the 1980s until today. We focus especially on (1) the imparting of educational styles and gender images and (2) language education.
DIWAN is subdivided into different research modules: view modules.
Cooperation with practice partners.